Developmental-Behavioral Solutions
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Some of the targeted outcomes of Dr. Sasha's Developmental-Behavioral Approach
As a mother of 4 children, licensed psychologist and Nationally Certified School Psychologist, Dr. Sasha works with children, parents, educators and service-providers in the Westchester, NY and Fairfield County, CT area to create proactive and sensitive plans to help children thrive. Dr. Sasha’s model of Educational and Behavioral Consultation provides realistic and time-efficient solutions to her clients, including:
• Promoting children’s self-regulation
• Enhancing children’s flexibility and adaptability
• Facilitating children’s mastery of developmental tasks
• Augmenting children’s social skills and empathy
• Strengthening children’s executive functions and academic/study skills
• Increasing children’s functional communication and purposeful behavior
• Boosting children’s ability to express feelings appropriately
• Building children’s play skills
• Developing parent reflective capacity
• Increasing parent self-efficacy and coping skills
• Fostering parent understanding of their child and according needs
• Reinforcing educators in their efforts to support and accommodate their students
• Integrating the efforts of children’s service providers
• Providing support to educators and service providers
• Creating home and school environments that meet children’s needs

“To help children reach their full potential, I work alongside parents and educators in a collaborative partnership to approach everyday problems in a mindful and diligent manner.” — Dr. Sasha
Dr. Sasha offers a range of services to children, parents and educators.
Many families seek professional assistance to proactively manage ongoing challenges. Dr. Sasha provides effective and sensitive solutions for educational and behavioral concerns to cultivate positive growth, learning, and development in children. Below are some of the services she offers.
Educational Consultation and Intervention
Dr. Sasha consults with parents, schools and educators to create environments and institute supports that accommodate students’ diverse needs. She works with parents to understand and respond to psychoeducational, neuropsychological and academic assessment results. She delivers empirically-validated interventions to strengthen students’ academic skills and executive functions.
Child-focused Parent Therapy and Developmental Guidance
Dr. Sasha works individually with parents to address each child’s presenting problems. She enables parents to understand their child’s perspectives and motivations, offering information about how developmental stages influence behavior.
Positive Behavior Support
Dr. Sasha works individually with parents to eliminate challenging behaviors by determining the environmental conditions that maintain them, and then replaces these challenging behaviors with appropriate, prosocial skills.
Temperament Counseling and Environmental Modification
Dr. Sasha works with parents to understand their child’s unique temperament profile which allows for the formulation and modification of home and school environments to meet the child’s needs.
Service Integration
Dr. Sasha works with parents and service providers (e.g., speech-language therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, pediatricians, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, social workers) to design an integrated, goal-based plan. This cohesive effort enables children to fully realize the benefits of the services they are being provided.
New Baby Planning and New Parent Support
Dr. Sasha educates and supports parents as they welcome a new arrival to their family.
Curriculum Design and Program Development
Dr. Sasha works with individuals and institutions to develop curricula and academic/psychoeducational programs.
Psychoeducation and Therapeutic Support Groups
Dr. Sasha offers psychoeducation and therapeutic support groups on an as-requested basis.

Dr Sasha talking with children.

Children playing with blocks

Dr. Sasha working with parent and child.

Dr Sasha talking with children.